Cloud migration service providers in Singapore Cloud Consult

Posted on 3 years ago SG, Singapore River

Visits : 17

Price: Contact us Negotiable


Why should your business migrate to the cloud?
A move to the cloud is the top priority for 31 percent of enterprises Why? Well, there are plenty of benefits that growth-driven businesses across all industries can take advantage of Here are just a handful benefits:
Cost reduction
Freedom and flexibility
Super scalability

NYGCI Migration strategy
NYGCI’s proposed Cloud Mobility platform provides easy portability and fast recovery of any on-premises workloads to Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure and vice versa to maintain business continuity, availability and allowing customers to:

Get direct portability of workloads across private, hybrid and public clouds
Restore and recover workloads directly to the cloud for fast business continuity
Unlock the test and development use case of the public cloud

NYGCI ‘s Cloud Based Migration solution
Backup & Replication
Backup & Replication is the engine that drives NYGCI Availability Platform and provides centralized management for virtual, physical and cloud-based workloads
During Migration, Availability Orchestrator is critical for both data Availability and agility NYGCI helps automate the process of creating, ocumenting and testing disaster recovery plans so that business continuity and compliance can be maintained

NYGCI offers a variety of cloud migration solutions for the multi-cloud enterprise with strong alliance partnerships and seamless technology integrations with leading cloud providers, including AWS, Microsoft Cloud, IBM Cloud and thousands of Cloud & Service Providers partners (CSP), below is one of our cloud mobility strategies

How NYGCI can help on Cloud migration?
We help customers by managing their data migration journey from private to public or vice-versa NYGCI Availability Platform is the most complete solution to help organizations evolve the way we manage data from policy-based to behavior-based to make it “smarter” and self-governing and to ensure data is available across any cloud infrastructure

Cost comparision to other migration strategies
One-time cost of licenses persocket or per VM
Unlimited capabilities including Cloud migration, Cloud connect replication, data protect, etc
Only 2 step process to migrate any data to Azure &AWS Cloud
Average 60% cost savings on the current costs
Proven solution for small, medium & large enterprise infrastructure

Our Cloud Migration Services includes:
Storage & Backup and DR leveraging cloud platforms
IaaS & SaaS (Hybrid, Public & Private)
High Performance Computing
Ultra-safe Storage for Reliable Recovery
We are ready to support your data migration today from or to below cloud platforms with our cost-effective solution “Call Us Today!”

Contact Us:
USA: +1-516-500-7775
India: +91- 9346978022
Australia: +61-2-916-00181
Singapore: +65-8382 0148
Email ID: Services@nygci com
Website:  [***] nygci com/cloud-migration-service-providers-in-s …

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